August 31, 2018

1 Comment

Where would Richards Grassfed Beef be without our amazing customers?  We love them all so much we felt it was time to feature them one by one on our blog.  Canyon Market is a full service market in Glen Park run by Janet and Richard Tarlov.  And by full service we mean catering, deli, coffee bar, specialty items, and of course a full butcher shop.  Oscar, who is an amazing butcher at Canyon Market is the person we work with directly. So we decided to ask him about his history at Canyon and why he became a butcher...

Canyon Market

Richards Grassfed Beef truly brings the customer grass fed beef all year long. RGFB has two different ranches and this is really great because when one place starts snowing, you move the cattle to the other place to guarantee the cattle are being fed grass all year long. 

- Oscar Yedra, Butcher at Canyon Market

 Oscar has been the head butcher at Canyon Market for nearly 8 years. For Oscar, butchery isn't just a profession it is a passion and he considers it an art form that he wants to share with all.

 It is hard to grasp exactly how long he has been perfecting his craft, but he first picked up the knife in grammar school while working at his fathers butcher shop in Mexico City. Oscar is proud to continue on the legacy of butchers in his family which goes back 4 generations. He takes pride in taking the skills that have been passed on to him from the generations before him to make sure the it is not lost on future generations.

Oscar loves that Canyon Market is a family run business, and that the whole family is involved.  He has even more respect for the company for making the decision to support local and family run business, which they do by carrying their product in store, just as they carry Richards Grassfed Beef. At Canyon Market they empower their team to do what they are best at and Oscar loves the work environment that they foster. 

Richards Grassfed loves working with both Oscar and the rest of the folks at Canyon Market. If you live nearby: 2815 Diamond Street San Francisco, CA 94131 you can stop in and say hello to Oscar and hopefully enjoy some of our beef!

Canyon Market

1 Response


March 14, 2019

Oscar is absolutely the best! My favorite butcher in all of San Francisco. Such a warm, nice person too…

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